I. Untilとは何か?
1. 定義
2. 品詞
- “Until”の接続詞
We will wait here until the rain stops.(私たちは雨が止むまでここで待ちます。)
She didn’t go to bed until she finished her homework.(彼女は宿題を終えるまで寝ませんでした。)
- “Until”の前置詞
The store is open until 9 PM.(その店は午後9時まで営業しています。)
He worked until midnight.(彼は真夜中まで働きました。)
II. 使い方 Until
1. Until + 具体的な時間
例: The store is open until 9 PM.(店は午後9時まで開いています。)
2. Until + 節
例: We will wait until he arrives.(彼が到着するまで待ちます。)
3. “Until”のバリエーション
Till: “until”の短縮形で、口語やカジュアルな文書でよく使われます。
例: I will wait till you come back.(あなたが戻るまで待ちます。)
Not… until: ある行動が他の行動が起こるまで起こらないことを強調するために使用されます。
例: She didn’t leave until the meeting was over.(会議が終わるまで彼女は去りませんでした。)
4. “Until”の使用時のよくある間違い
間違い: I will stay here until you will come back.
正しい: I will stay here until you come back.
By: Please submit the report by Friday.(金曜日までに報告書を提出してください。)
Until: We will be here until Friday.(金曜日までここにいます。)
III. UntilとTillの比較
定義 | 行動または出来事がその時点まで続くことを示す | “until”の短縮形で、非公式な形 |
使い方 | 口語と文語の両方で使用され、公式・非公式の状況で使用 | 主に口語と非公式な文語で使用 |
例文 | – I will wait here until you come back. | – I’ll stay here till you return. |
文中の位置 | 文頭または文中:- Until the rain stops, we will stay inside. – We will stay inside until the rain stops. | 文頭または文中:- Till the rain stops, we will stay inside. – We will stay inside till the rain stops. |
普及度 | より一般的で、あらゆる状況で使用可能 | あまり一般的ではなく、非公式な文体に傾向 |
略式形 | “Til”(あまり使用されない) | “until”の略ではなく、独立した形 |
V. MochiVocabで効果的に英語の単語を学ぶ

VI. 練習問題
問題 1: 空欄に “until”, “till”, または “by” を入れましょう
- We won’t start dinner ______ you arrive.
- The meeting will continue ______ 5 PM.
- She waited ______ the last guest had left.
- He promised to finish the project ______ the end of the week.
- The store is open ______ 10 PM every day.
- We won’t start dinner until you arrive.
- The meeting will continue until 5 PM.
- She waited until the last guest had left.
- He promised to finish the project by the end of the week.
- The store is open until 10 PM every day.
問題 2: 正しい単語を選びましょう(カッコ内から)
- They didn’t leave (until/till) the movie ended.
- I will finish the report (by/until) Friday evening.
- We waited (until/by) she arrived before starting the meeting.
- You have (until/by) midnight to submit your assignment.
- The shop is closed (till/until) 8 AM tomorrow.
- They didn’t leave until the movie ended.
- I will finish the report by Friday evening.
- We waited until she arrived before starting the meeting.
- You have until midnight to submit your assignment.
- The shop is closed until 8 AM tomorrow.
問題 3: 次の文の誤りを修正しましょう
- We can’t leave by it stops raining.
- He didn’t go home till he finished all his work.
- She won’t talk to him until he apologizes.
- They worked until to late at night.
- You should submit the form till Friday.
- We can’t leave until it stops raining.
- He didn’t go home until he finished all his work.
- She won’t talk to him until he apologizes. (誤りなし)
- They worked until late at night. (”to”を削除)
- You should submit the form by Friday.
問題 4: “not… until” 構文を使って文を作り直しましょう
- We will not know the results until next week.
- We won’t know the results ______ next week.
- She didn’t sleep until she finished the book.
- She didn’t sleep ______ she finished the book.
- They won’t start the meeting until everyone arrives.
- They won’t start the meeting ______ everyone arrives.
- He didn’t realize his mistake until it was too late.
- He didn’t realize his mistake ______ it was too late.
- I won’t call you until I get there.
- I won’t call you ______ I get there.
- We won’t know the results until next week.
- She didn’t sleep until she finished the book.
- They won’t start the meeting until everyone arrives.
- He didn’t realize his mistake until it was too late.
- I won’t call you until I get there.
“until” の構造を理解して正しく使用することで、英語でのアイデアをより明確かつ正確に表現できるようになります。この記事が “until” の使い方について包括的な視点を提供し、言語スキルの向上に役立つことを願っています。この重要な接続詞を使用する際に、頻繁に練習して習得を目指しましょう。