Learn Japanese

200+ must-know Japanese words for beginners

Are you ready to start your Japanese learning journey? Knowing essential Japanese words in English is crucial for beginners to build a solid foundation. This guide features 200+ must-know Japanese words that will enhance your communication skills and help you navigate various aspects of daily life in Japan. From basic phrases and greetings to more specific vocabulary related to food, travel, and health, this comprehensive list will equip you with the key terms needed for effective interaction in Japanese.

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japanese words english

1. Some basic phrases you need to know for effective communication

japanese words english
Common Japanese question – Japanese words English
Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
名前はなんですかNamae wa nan desu kaWhat is your name?
私は〜ですWatashi wa ~ desuI am ~
~から来ました~kara KimashitaI came from~/ I am from~
これは何ですかKore wa nan desu kaWhat is this?
いくらですかIkura desu kaHow much?
これをくださいkore wo kudasaiCan I get this one? / I will take this one
注文お願いしますChumon onegaishimasu Can I place an order?
水をお願いしますMizu wo onegaishimasuWater please
お会計お願いしますOkaikei onegaishimasuCan I get the check/bill please (in a restaurant)
ここはどこですかKoko wa Doko desu kaWhere am I?
トイレはどこですかToire wa doko desu kaWhere is the bathroom?
手伝ってくれますか?tetsudatte kuremasu ka?Can you help me?
好きですsuki desuI like it.
駅はどこですかEki wa doko desu ka Where is the train station?
ダメですdame desuIt’s no good.
いいですよii desu yoIt’s good.
日本語で話しましょうnihongo de hanashimashouLet’s talk in Japanese.
今何時ですかIma nan ji desu kaWhat time is it now?
わかりませんWakarimasenI don’t understand
日本語が話せませんNihongo ga hanasemasenI can’t speak Japanese

2. Greeting

Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
おはようございますOhayou gozaimasuGood morning
こんにちはKonnichiwaGood Afternoon
こんばんはKonbanwaGood evening
ありがとうございますArigatou GozaimasuThank you
すみませんSumimasen Excuse me/ I am sorry

These are the most basic and common Japanese phrases for greetings. Mastering these phrases will help you confidently greet others, make a good first impression, and start conversations smoothly. You can learn more common greeting phrases in MochiKanji’s conversation course.

3. People/ Pronouns

Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
私 (わたし)watashiI
彼 (かれ)karehe
彼女 (かのじょ)kanojoshe
私たち (わたしたち)watashitachiwe
友達 (ともだち)tomodachifriend
子供 (こども)kodomochild

To build your Kanji and basic Japanese words about people and pronouns, try MochiKanji! The app covers 8000+ Kanji and Japanese words from basic to advanced levels. It’s the perfect to enhance your language skills.

4. Japanese Numbers

japanese words english
Number in Japanese -Japanese words English
  • Japanese numbers from 1 to 10:
Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
一 (いち)ichi1
二 (に)ni2
三 (さん)san3
四 (し/よん)shi/yon4
五 (ご)go5
六 (ろく)roku6
七 (しち/なな)shichi/nana7
八 (はち)hachi8
九 (きゅう/く)kyuu/ku9
十 (じゅう)juu10
  • Japanese numbers from 20 to 100:
Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
二十 (にじゅう)nijuu20
三十 (さんじゅう)sanjuu30
四十 (よんじゅう)yonjuu40
五十 (ごじゅう)gojuu50
六十 (ろくじゅう)rokujuu60
七十 (ななじゅう)nanajuu70
八十 (はちじゅう)hachijuu80
九十 (きゅうじゅう)kyuujuu90
百 (ひゃく)hyaku100

5. Time in Japanese

Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
時間 (じかん)jikantime
今 (いま)imanow
今日 (きょう)kyoutoday
明日 (あした)ashitatomorrow
昨日 (きのう)kinouyesterday
来週 (らいしゅう)raishuunext week
先月 (せんげつ)sengetsulast month
今年 (ことし)kotoshithis year
朝 (あさ)asamorning
夜 (よる)yorunight

6. Days of the week

Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
月曜日 (げつようび)getsuyoubiMonday
火曜日 (かようび)kayoubiTuesday
水曜日 (すいようび)suiyoubiWednesday
木曜日 (もくようび)mokuyoubiThursday
金曜日 (きんようび)kin’youbiFriday
土曜日 (どようび)doyoubiSaturday
日曜日 (にちようび)nichiyoubiSunday

Here are the most essential and commonly used vocabulary words related to the “Days of the Week.” Mastering these words will help you confidently discuss your weekly schedule! You can learn vocabulary on this topic with full images, pronunciation, and example sentences in MochiKanji’s vocabulary course.

7. Months of the year

Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
二月 (にがつ)nigatsuFebruary
三月 さんがつsangatsuMarch
四月 しがつshigatsuApril
五月 ごがつgogatsuMay
六月 ろくがつrokugatsuJune
七月 しちがつshichigatsuJuly
八月 はちがつhachigatsuAugust
九月 くがつkugatsuSeptember
十月 じゅうがつ juugatsuOctober
十一月 じゅういちがつjuuichigatsuNovember
十二月 じゅうにがつjuunigatsuDecember

8. Japanese Nouns

Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
家 (いえ / うち)ie or uchiHome
店 (みせ)miseShop
映画 (えいが)eigaMovie
学校 (がっこう)gakkouSchool
車 (くるま)kurumaCar
町 (まち)machiTown
音楽 (おんがく)ongakuMusic
家族 (かぞく)kazokuFamily
故郷 (ふるさと)furusatoHometown

9. Japanese Verbs

Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
するsuruTo do
なるnaruTo become
行く (いく)ikuTo go
言う(いう)iuTo say
見る(みる)miruTo see
来る (くる)kuruTo come
食べる (たべる)taberuTo eat

10. Food and drink

Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
ご飯 (ごはん)gohanrice
水 (みず)mizuwater
お茶 (おちゃ)ochatea
牛乳 (ぎゅうにゅう)gyuunyuumilk
りんご (りんご)ringoapple
肉 (にく)nikumeat
魚 (さかな)sakanafish
野菜 (やさい)yasaivegetable
果物 (くだもの)kudamonofruit
アイスクリームaisukuriimuice cream
寿司 (すし)sushisushi

11. Occupation

japanese words english meaning
Occupations – Japanese words English
Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
医者 (いしゃ)ishadoctor
教師 (きょうし)kyoushiteacher
学生 (がくせい)gakuseistudent
歌手 (かしゅ)kashusinger
学生 (がくせい)gakuseistudent
看護師 (かんごし)kangoshinurse
弁護士 (べんごし)bengoshilawyer
俳優 (はいゆう)haiyuuactor
歯医者 (はいしゃ)haishadentist
会社員 (かいしゃいん)kaishaincompany employee
受付 (うけつけ)uketsuke-gakarireceptionist
作家 (さっか)sakkawriter
画家 (がか)gakaartist

Unlock the essential vocabulary for occupations with MochiKanji’s course. Whether for work, travel, or personal growth, start your trial today and confidently talk about professions in Japanese!

12. Places

Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
家 (いえ)iehouse
学校 (がっこう)gakkouschool
公園 (こうえん)kouenpark
病院 (びょういん)byouinhospital
駅 (えき)ekistation
店 (みせ)misestore
会社 (かいしゃ)kaishacompany
図書館 (としょかん)toshokanlibrary
映画館 (えいがかん)eigakancinema
町 (まち)machitown
空港 (くうこう)kuukouairport
海 (うみ)umisea
山 (やま)yamamountain
川 (かわ)kawariver
湖 (みずうみ)mizuumilake
動物園 (どうぶつえん)doubutsuenzoo

13. Objects 

Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
傘 (かさ)kasaumbrella
帽子 (ぼうし)boushihat
鍵 (かぎ)kagikey
時計 (とけい)tokeiwatch
本 (ほん)honbook
眼鏡 (めがね)meganeglasses
鞄 (かばん)kabanhandbag
靴 (くつ)kutsushoes
皿 (さら)saraplate
釘 (くぎ)kuginail

14. Family 

japanese words with english meaning
Family in Japanese – Japanese words English meaning
Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
家族 (かぞく)kazokuFamily
父 (ちち)chichiFather
母 (はは)hahaMother
兄 (あに)aniOlder Brother
姉 (あね)aneOlder Sister
弟 (おとうと)otoutoYounger Brother
妹 (いもうと)imoutoYounger Sister
祖父 (そふ)sofuGrandfather
祖母 (そぼ)soboGrandmother
夫 (おっと)ottoHusband
妻 (つま)tsumaWife
息子 (むすこ)musukoSon
娘 (むすめ)musumeDaughter
両親 (りょうしん)ryoushinParents
兄弟 (きょうだい)kyoudaiSiblings

15. Weather and Seasons

Japanese phrasesRomajiEnglish meaning
天気 (てんき)Tenkiweather
天候 (てんこう)Tenkouclimate
気象状況 (きしょうじょうきょう)Kishou joukyouweather condition
空模様 (そらもよう)Sora moyouthe look of the sky
晴れ (はれ)Haresunny, clear weather
快晴 (かいせい)Kaiseiclear weather without clouds
曇り (くもり)Kumoricloudy
雲 (くも)Kumocloud
雨 (あめ)Amerain
小雨 (こさめ)Kosamelight rain / drizzle
霧雨 (きりさめ)Kirisamemisty rain / light drizzle
大雨 (おおあめ)Ooameheavy rain
通り雨 (とおりあめ)Toriamecloudburst
春雨 (はるさめ)Harusamespring rain
天気雨 (てんきあめ)Tenkiametemporary rainfall in the sunshine
豪雨 (ごうう)Gouudownpour
暴風雨 (ぼうふうう)Boufuurainstorm
雷雨 (らいう)Raiuthunder-rainstorm
雪 (ゆき)Yukisnow
大雪 (おおゆき)Ooyukiheavy snow
吹雪 (ふぶき)Fubukisnowstorm / blizzard
霰 (あられ)Ararehailstone / falling iceball
霙 (みぞれ)Mizoresleet / snow with rain
雹 (ひょう)Hyouhail
風 (かぜ)Kazewind
そよ風 (そよかぜ)Soyokazebreeze
強風 (きょうふう)Kyoufuustrong wind
暴風 (ぼうふう)Boufuuwindstorm
台風 (たいふう)Taifuutyphoon
季節風 (きせつふう)Kisetsufuumonsoon / seasonal wind
雷 (かみなり)Kaminarithunder / lightning
霧 (きり)Kirifog / mist
濃霧 (のうむ)Noumuheavy fog / dense mist
春 (はる)haruSpring
夏 (なつ)natsuSummer
秋 (あき)akiAutumn
冬 (ふゆ)fuyuWinter

To effectively build your Japanese vocabulary from beginner to advanced levels, using a comprehensive tool can make a significant difference.

Learn vocab with MochiKanji

MochiKanji offers vocabulary organized by levels from N5 to N2 and other courses that suit every individual needs, categorized by topics and sample lessons, complete with images,audio and example sentences. With Japanese words or phrases not included in MochiKanji’s course, you can look them up in the J-Dictionary and save them in the digital notebook, then review them atGolden Time that’s based on the spaced repetition. Get it a try!


By mastering these 200+ essential Japanese words and phrases, you’ll gain confidence in navigating various situations and conversations. Whether you’re meeting new people, traveling, or simply engaging in daily activities, this vocabulary will serve as a valuable tool in your language-learning journey. Start incorporating these Japanese words into your practice, and you’ll find yourself well-prepared to communicate effectively and enjoy your experience with the Japanese language and culture.

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