Learning basic Japanese phrases can open doors to new experiences and meaningful connections when traveling or interacting with Japanese speakers. Whether you’re planning a trip or just want to pick up some useful expressions, this guide provides more than 50 simple phrases across various topics to help you communicate with confidence in a range of situations.
- Greetings and Common Polite Expressions
- Introducing Yourself
- Phrases for Traveling
- Shopping Phrases
- Eating Out: Ordering Food and Drinks
- Phrases for Emergencies
- Hotel and Accommodation Phrases
- Additional Phrases
- Polite Requests and Questions
- Learning easy Japanese phrases with MochiKanji
- Conclusion

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Greetings and common polite expressions
- こんにちは (Konnichiwa) – Hello
- こんばんは (Konbanwa) – Good evening
- おはようございます (Ohayou gozaimasu) – Good morning
- おやすみなさい (Oyasumi nasai) – Good night
- ありがとうございます (Arigatou gozaimasu) – Thank you
- すみません (Sumimasen) – Excuse me / I’m sorry
- お願いします (Onegaishimasu) – Please
- どういたしまして (Dou itashimashite) – You’re welcome
- はい (Hai) – Yes
- いいえ (Iie) – No
Introducing yourself
- 私の名前は [Your Name] です (Watashi no namae wa [Your Name] desu) – My name is [Your Name]
- 初めまして (Hajimemashite) – Nice to meet you
- どこから来ましたか? (Doko kara kimashita ka?) – Where are you from?
- [Your Country] から来ました ([Your Country] kara kimashita) – I’m from [Your Country]
- よろしくお願いします (Yoroshiku onegaishimasu) – Nice to meet you / Please take care of me
Phrases for traveling
- これは何ですか? (Kore wa nan desu ka?) – What is this?
- いくらですか? (Ikura desu ka?) – How much is it?
- トイレはどこですか? (Toire wa doko desu ka?) – Where is the bathroom?
- 助けてください (Tasukete kudasai) – Please help me
- 道に迷いました (Michi ni mayoimashita) – I’m lost
Shopping phrases
- これをください (Kore wo kudasai) – I’ll take this
- 試着してもいいですか? (Shichaku shite mo ii desu ka?) – May I try this on?
- サイズはありますか? (Saizu wa arimasu ka?) – Do you have this in a different size?
- クレジットカードで払えますか? (Kurejitto kaado de haraemasu ka?) – Can I pay with a credit card?
- 返品できますか? (Henpin dekimasu ka?) – Can I return this?
Eating out: Ordering food and drinks
- メニューをください (Menyuu wo kudasai) – Please give me the menu
- おすすめは何ですか? (Osusume wa nan desu ka?) – What do you recommend?
- これは何ですか? (Kore wa nan desu ka?) – What is this?
- ビールを一つください (Biiru wo hitotsu kudasai) – One beer, please
- お会計お願いします (Okaikei wonegaishimasu) – The check, please
Phrases for emergencies
- 火事です! (Kaji desu!) – Fire!
- 警察を呼んでください (Keisatsu wo yonde kudasai) – Call the police, please
- 救急車を呼んでください (Kyukyuusha wo yonde kudasai) – Call an ambulance, please
- 私は日本語が話せません (Watashi wa Nihongo ga hanasemasen) – I can’t speak Japanese
- ここに助けが必要です (Koko ni tasuke ga hitsuyou desu) – I need help here
Hotel and accommodation phrases
- チェックインをお願いします (Chekku in wo onegaishimasu) – I’d like to check in
- 予約しています (Yoyaku shiteimasu) – I have a reservation
- もっと大きい部屋はありますか? (Motto ookii heya wa arimasu ka?) – Do you have a bigger room?
- Wi-Fiのパスワードは何ですか? (Wi-Fi no pasuwaado wa nan desu ka?) – What is the Wi-Fi password?
- ルームサービスをお願いします (Ruumu saabisu wo onegaishimasu) – Room service, please
Polite requests and questions
- もう一度言ってください (Mou ichido itte kudasai) – Please say that again
- ゆっくり話してください (Yukkuri hanashite kudasai) – Please speak slowly
- 英語は話せますか? (Eigo wa hanasemasu ka?) – Can you speak English?
- これはどういう意味ですか? (Kore wa dou iu imi desu ka?) – What does this mean?
- すぐに戻ります (Sugu ni modorimasu) – I’ll be back soon
Additional Phrases
- いい天気ですね (Ii tenki desu ne) – It’s nice weather, isn’t it?
- どこで会えますか? (Doko de aemasu ka?) – Where can we meet?
- どのくらいかかりますか? (Dono kurai kakarimasu ka?) – How long will it take?
- 私もそう思います (Watashi mo sou omoimasu) – I think so too
- それは素晴らしいですね (Sore wa subarashii desu ne) – That’s wonderful
- ちょっと待ってください (Chotto matte kudasai) – Please wait a moment
- ゆっくりどうぞ (Yukkuri douzo) – Take your time
- ここに座ってもいいですか? (Koko ni suwatte mo ii desu ka?) – May I sit here?
- どこに行けばいいですか? (Doko ni ikeba ii desu ka?) – Where should I go?
- これは私の携帯です (Kore wa watashi no keitai desu) – This is my phone
Learning easy Japanese phrases with MochiKanji

MochiKanji is a great tool for mastering these basic Japanese phrases. Its interactive flashcards with images and sounds make learning engaging, while the spaced repetition system, Golden Time feature optimizes review for better retention. The app’s conversation practice also helps you use common phrases in real-life contexts, ensuring you’re well-prepared for everyday situations. From greetings to travel phrases, MochiKanji makes learning Japanese easier and more enjoyable.
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Learning easy Japanese phrases doesn’t just help you get around, it enhances your experience by allowing you to engage more meaningfully with the culture. Whether you’re ordering food, shopping, or greeting someone, mastering these basic expressions will help you feel more confident in Japan.