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How to say “cute” in Japanese? Some words you must to study

Discover lots of cute Japanese words with our guide “10 Ways to express cuteness in Japanese“. Dive into Japanese language and traditions as we explore a variety of words, from the well-known “かわいい” to hidden one like “ラブリー”. Whether you love languages, anime, or are just curious about Japanese culture, this video explores many ways to express cuteness in Japan.

“Cute” is a highly culturally significant concept in Japanese, and it’s frequently expressed through a variety of words and expressions. The most widely used word for “cute” in Japanese is かわいい. This word is used to characterize anything cute, including people, fashion, and animals. Normally written in hiragana, it can also be seen as 可愛い in kanji. Although かわいい (kawaii | 可愛い) is a popular word for “cute” in Japanese, there are numerous other similar words. Here is a list of 10 ways to say “Cute” in Japanese.

1. かわいい(可愛い)- Kawaii

  • Meaning: Cute, Adorable 
  • Romaji: Kawaii

This is the most common and versatile way to say “cute” in Japanese. It can be used for anything that you find adorable.

2. どきどき – Dokidoki

  • Meaning: heart beating sound, excited 
  • Romaji: Dokidoki 

In Japanese, どきどき (dokidoki) refers to a feeling of excitement or nervousness, often accompanied by a rapid heartbeat. You can use it in conjunction with cute words to convey the sensation of being excited or fluttering because something is adorable. 

3. 素敵(すてき) – Suteki

  • Meaning: great; lovely; wonderful
  • Romaji: Suteki

It is commonly translated as “wonderful” or “lovely,” it can also be used to express something as “cute” or “charming” depending on the context

4. あいらしい(愛らしい) – Airashii 

  • Meaning: lovely, adorable
  • Romaji: Airashi 

 It is often used to describe something or someone who is a heartwarming kind of cute.

5. きらきら – Kirakira

  • Meaning: sparkling
  • Romaji: Kirakira 

きらきら (kirakira) is a Japanese onomatopoeic expression used to describe something sparkling or glittering, such as stars or jewels. It can also be used to describe someone with a bright or shining personality, which can be perceived as cute.

Cute in Japanese
Some Japanese words about cuteness

6. きれい(綺麗)- Kirei

  • Meaning: beautiful, pretty, good‐looking
  • Romaji: Kirei 

It typically means “beautiful” or “clean” in English, but it can also refer to something that is visually appealing or attractive in a cute way. You can use this to describe someone’s cute and lovely smile (きれいな笑顔). 

7. あまい(甘い)- Amai

  • Meaning: Sweet 
  • Romaji: Amai 

甘い (amai) can refer to something sweet in taste. It can also mean something is sweetness or cute. Ex: Sweet voice – 甘い声 , Sweet words – 甘い言葉

8. かっこかわいい – Kakkokawaii

  • Meaning: cool and cute 
  • Romaji: Kakkokawaii 

It is a Japanese word that combines “cool” (kakkoii) and “cute” (kawaii). It refers to something or someone who is both cool and cute.

9. ラブリー – Raburi

  • Meaning: lovely
  • Romaji: Raburī

The term ラブリー (raburī), which is borrowed from English, is often used in Japanese to describe something or someone as “lovely” or “cute. It is commonly used to describe something endearing or charming.

10. キュート – Kyūto

  • Meaning: Cute 
  • Romaji: Kyūto

The term キュート (kyūto) comes from the English word “cute,” which means “lovely.”  It is commonly used in Japanese to describe something or someone as cute, often with a modern or fashionable connotation.

Cute in Japanese
Some Japanese words about cuteness (part 2)

These 10 ways provide a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Japanese language and culture, where the concept of cuteness is prevalent in daily life. Whether it’s a beloved pet, a heartfelt gesture, or a captivating smile, there’s always a word in Japanese to express the essence of cuteness

Do you want to know any more adorable Japanese words or expressions? And if you actually want to learn Japanese with useful lessons, register to download the MochiKanji app and get started!

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