How can MochiMochi help you learn English better?

We hold the belief that language learning should never be a burden for anyone. Therefore, we take pride in helping students get the best learning experience using the principles of Spaced Repetition.

Memorize better…

We all understand the importance of building a strong vocabulary base. But not everyone is fully aware of how difficult it is to do so. MochiMochi is here to the rescue! So how can we ensure new words are imprinted in your long-term memory?

Let’s have a look at the Forgetting Curve below. This curve is the production of German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus which demonstrates how our retention of knowledge weakens over time without revisioning.

MochiMochi The Forgetting Curve
Hermann Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve.

Spaced Repetition is research-proven the most powerful technique for strengthening one’s memory. Remember all the lessons you frantically crammed the night before your exam but faded away a few days later? We don’t want our users to just merely pass a test like that.  In opposition to the “cramming” method, by which you can learn information in a short period but will forget soon afterward, Spaced Repetition method asks you to revise material at systematic intervals.

The technique of Spaced Repetition.

By analyzing your learning history, MochiMochi will calculate the “Golden Time” for you to revise a word right before your brain is about to forget it. This tremendously increases your memory power. And by choosing the optimal time for revision, MochiMochi will save you a lot of effort in acquiring new words.

MochiMochi also categorizes your vocabulary into different groups according to 5 different memory stages. The app then provides a study strategy relevant to each individual user.

…in less time

They say “Good things take time”, but we say “Good things take less time (if you do it the right way)”. MochiMochi helps you remember new words better and much faster than conventional methods do.

Traditional methods may take students hours and hours to learn new vocabulary compared to just 15 minutes at most on a daily basis with MochiMochi. For instance, cramming new words more than you can digest is likely to backfire when they easily slide off your mind. This could be extremely time-consuming when you have to learn a word back and forth without any guarantee that you can remember and actively use it later.

MochiMochi helps cut down substantially the amount of time needed for vocabulary learning. Users will have a grasp of more than 5,000 English words in half the time it usually took. What a great deal, right?

Learning new words couldn’t be more fun!

We believe when it comes to learning, students will make the most out of joy and happiness. Therefore, an engaging app with playful animation and illustration images like MochiMochi app would be a perfect assistant. Real-world examples are also provided to make sure you get the know-how to use a word precisely.

Just a friendly reminder, MochiMochi provides you with a personalized plan by evaluating your learning history. The more data we have, the more accurate strategy we can build for you. So try to be as active on MochiMochi as possible!

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