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How to say I love you in Chinese? Meaning of 520 – Wǒ ài nǐ

Falling in love can feel the same in every language, but expressing it varies widely. In Chinese, saying “I love you” is not just about the words. Diving into romantic expressions helps you connect and understand the cultural nuances. Let’s explore how you can express love in Chinese, from traditional phrases to modern slang.

How to Say “I Love You” in Chinese normally

The most straightforward way to say “I love you” in Mandarin is “我爱你 (Wǒ ài nǐ).” This phrase is powerful in its simplicity. In Beijing, saying 我爱你 is a significant emotional commitment, and it’s reserved for genuine, deep feelings of love.

Common Phrases that Chinese People Use to Express Their Love

Apart from the direct “我爱你,” there are other ways to express affection in Chinese that may not be as intense:

I love you我爱你wǒ ài nǐ
I really love you a lot我真的很爱你wǒ zhēn de hěn ài nǐ
I love you so much我是如此爱你wǒ shì rú cǐ ài nǐ
I love you more than anything我爱你胜过一切wǒ ài nǐ shèng guò yī qiè
I am very happy我很高兴wǒ hěn gāo xìng
I cannot live without you我不能没有你wǒ bù néng méi yǒu nǐ
I do not want to leave you我不想离开你wǒ bù xiǎng lí kāi nǐ
I like everything about you我喜欢你的一切wǒ xǐ huān nǐ de yī qiè
I like you我喜欢你wǒ xǐ huān nǐ
I like her我喜欢她wǒ xǐ huān tā
I like him我喜欢他wǒ xǐ huān tā
I am interested in you我对你感兴趣wǒ duì nǐ gǎn xìng qù
I have feelings for you我对你有感觉wǒ duì nǐ yǒu gǎn jué
I really like you我非常喜欢你wǒ fēi cháng xǐ huān nǐ
I love you crazy我疯狂地爱着你wǒ fēng kuáng de ài zhe nǐ
I love you so much我真的很爱你wǒ zhēn de hěn ài nǐ
I want to be with you我想跟你在一起wǒ xiǎng gēn nǐ zài yī qǐ
Would you like to date?你想跟我约会吗?nǐ xiǎng gēn wǒ yuē huì ma?
I have a crush on you我暗恋你nǒ àn liàn nǐ
I miss you我想你wǒ xiǎng nǐ
I miss you so much我好想你wǒ hǎo xiǎng nǐ
I only care about you我只在乎你wǒ zhǐ zài hū nǐ
I passionately love you我热烈地爱着你wǒ rè liè de ài zhe nǐ
I want to date with you我想和你约会wǒ xiǎng hé nǐ yuē huì
I want to know more about you我想更了解你wǒ xiǎng gèng liǎo jiě nǐ
I want to make you happy我想让你幸福wǒ xiǎng ràng nǐ xìng fú
You mean so much to me你对我意义重大nǐ duì wǒ yì yì zhòng dà
I’m yours我是你的wǒ shì nǐ de
I feel so happy being with you跟你在一起真的很开心gēn nǐ zài yī qǐ zhēn de hěn kāi xīn
I will always be by your side我会一直陪着你wǒ huì yī zhí péi zhe nǐ
Love at first sight一见钟情yī jiàn zhōng qíng
Love will find a way有情人终成眷属yǒu qíng rén zhōng chéng juàn shǔ
Love will come at the right time日久生情rì jiǔ shēng qíng
Love you forever永远爱你yǒng yuǎn ài nǐ
Thank you for the gift谢谢你的礼物xiè xiè nǐ de lǐ wù
Thank you for treating me to this meal谢谢你请我吃饭xiè xiè nǐ qǐng wǒ chī fàn
These roses are beautiful这些玫瑰很漂亮zhè xiē méi guī hěn piào liang
What do you like about me你喜欢我什么nǐ xǐ huān wǒ shén me
Will you be my lover?你愿意做我的情人吗?nǐ yuàn yì zuò wǒ de qíng rén ma?
Would you like to dance?你想跳舞吗?nǐ xiǎng tiào wǔ ma
Are you free this weekend这个周末你有空吗?zhè ge zhōu mò nǐ yǒu kòng ma?
Would you be willing to go to dinner with me?你愿意和我一起出去吃晚饭吗?nǐ yuàn yì hé wǒ yī qǐ chū qù chī wǎn fàn ma?
Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给我吗?Nǐ yuàn yì jià gěi wǒ ma?
You are mine你是我的nǐ shì wǒ de
You are my favorite person你是我最喜欢的人nǐ shì wǒ zuì xǐ huān de rén
You are pretty你很美nǐ hěn měi
You are the best你最好了nǐ zuì hǎo le
You are the most beautiful girl你是最美丽的女孩nǐ shì zuì měi lì de nǚ hái
You are the most handsome guy你是最帅的nǐ shì zuì shuài deē
You are very charming你很迷人nǐ hěn mí rén
You are very cute你很可爱nǐ hěn kě ài
You’re very beautiful你很漂亮nǐ hěn piào liang
You are handsome你很帅nǐ hěn shuài
I think you are pretty good-looking我觉得你很好看wǒ jué dé nǐ hěn hǎo kàn
You look awesome你看起来真棒nǐ kàn qǐ lái zhēn bàng
You look very handsome你看起来很帅nǐ kàn qǐ lái hěn shuài
You make me happy你让我快乐nǐ ràng wǒ kuài lè
Your eyes are beautiful你的眼睛很美nǐ de yǎn jīng hěn měi
I like your personality我喜欢你的性格wǒ xǐ huān nǐ de xìng gé
I like your eyes我喜欢你的眼睛wǒ xǐ huān nǐ de yǎn jīng
I’m very happy when I’m with you跟你在一起的时候好开心gēn nǐ zài yī qǐ de shí hòu hǎo kāi xīn
You stole my heart你偷走了我的心nǐ tōu zǒu le wǒ de xīn
Table: Common phrase express love
how to say i love you in chinese
Image: express love

Chinese Loving Words

Next, let’s look at some Chinese words that express love and affection.

Affection感情gǎn qíng
Appreciate欣赏xīn shǎng
Boyfriend男朋友nán péng you
Caring关怀guān huái
Cherish珍爱zhēn ài
Chocolate巧克力qiǎo kè lì
Compromise妥协tuǒ xié
Cupid丘比特qiū bǐ tè
Cute可爱kě ài
To date约会yuē huì
Forever永远yǒng yuǎn
Friendship友谊yǒu yì
Fun好玩hǎo wán
Gift礼物lǐ wù
Girlfriend女朋友nǚ péng you
Happiness幸福xìng fú
Happy快乐kuài lè
Hugs拥抱yōng bào
Husband丈夫zhàng fu
Infatuated痴情chī qíng
Joy喜乐xǐ lè
Loyal忠诚zhōng chéng
Marriage婚姻hūn yīn
Passion热情rè qíng
Romantic浪漫làng màn
Rose玫瑰méi guī
Selfless无私wú sī
Surprise惊喜jīng xǐ
Teddy bear泰迪熊tài dí xióng
To be grateful感谢gǎn xiè
To express feelings表白biǎo bái
To express feelings告白gào bái
To like喜欢xǐ huan
To love明恋míng liàn
To trust信任xìn rèn
To understand了解liǎo jiě
Warm温暖wēn nuǎn
Wife妻子qī zi
Table: Common phrase express love and affection

Endearment in Chinese

Another way Chinese show affection is through special nicknames for loved ones. Some sound cute or even a bit harsh, but you can tell they’re meant kindly by the tone. For example, ‘silly melon’ is always a term of endearment, never an insult!

Baby宝贝bǎo bèi
Baby宝宝bǎo bao
Beautiful girl美女měi nǚ
Dear亲爱的qīn ài de
Wife (often used for girlfriends)媳妇xí fù
Handsome guy帅哥shuài gē
Husband老公lǎo gōng
Husband丈夫zhàng fu
Sweetheart小甜甜xiǎo tián tián
Sweetheart甜心tián xīn
Wife老婆lǎo pó
Wife妻子qī zi
My loved one我的爱人wǒ de ài rén
My angel我的天使wǒ de tiān shǐ
Little piggy小猪猪xiǎo zhū zhū
Darling乖乖guāi guāi
Lover情人qíng rén
Table: Endearment in Chinese

i love you in chinese
Image: happy wedding

If you want to have more ways to say and express love in Chinese in the most natural way, you need to strengthen your common vocabulary on this topic.  Mochi Chinese provides a rich vocabulary with nearly 5,000 words arranged in lists from basic to advanced. Vocabulary is divided into lessons by topic to help you memorize more systematically and easily. Besides, the app also helps learners find the golden time to review which is the most effective time based on the Spaced Repetition method. 

Romantic codes: Using numbers to say I love you

EnglishNumberPinyinSounds likePinyin
Love you520wǔ èr líng我爱你wǒ ài nǐ
Hug you880bā bā líng抱抱你bào bào nǐ
I miss you530wǔ sān líng我想你wǒ xiǎng nǐ
Forever1314yī sān yī sì一生一世yī shēng yī shì
I love only you921jiǔ èr yī就爱你jiù ài nǐ
I will love you for a long long time20999èr líng jiǔ jiǔ jiǔ爱你久久久ài nǐ jiǔ jiǔ jiǔ
Kiss me and hug me775885qī qī wǔ bā bā wǔ亲亲我,抱抱我qīn qīn wǒ bào bào wǒ
I will love you for the rest of my life5201314wǔ èr líng yī sān yī sì我爱你一生一世wǒ ài nǐ yī shēng yī shì
I love for a lifetime with an unchanging heart52033 44587wǔ èr líng sān sān sì sì wǔ bā qī我爱你生生 世世不变心wǒ ài nǐ shēng shēng shì shì bú biàn xīn
I still have deep love for you53719wǔ sān qī yī jiǔ我深情依旧wǒ shēn qíng yī jiù
I’m thinking of kissing you53770wǔ sān qī qī líng我想亲亲你wǒ xiǎng qīn qīn nǐ
I’m thinking of hugging you53880wǔ sān bā bā líng我想抱抱你wǒ xiǎng bào bào nǐ
I swear I love you584520wǔ bā sì wǔ èr líng我发誓我爱你wǒ fā shì wǒ ài nǐ
Your companion forever801314bā líng yī sān yī sì伴你一生一世bàn nǐ yī shēng yī shì
Being loved is happiness82475bā èr sì qī wǔ被爱是幸福bèi ài shì xìng fú
You are the one and only for me04551líng sì wǔ wǔ yī你是我唯一nǐ shì wǒ wéi yī
Image: number love in Chinese
love in chinese
Image: number love in Chinese

Chinese love quotes from proverbs and poems

Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌ài wū jí wūTo love someone is to also love the people/things important to them
Wishing us long life, though sharing moonlight from afar.但愿人长久,千里共婵娟dàn yuàn rén cháng jiǔ,qiān lǐ gòng chán juānUsed to express that we wish the people we love to have a long life.
Hold hands with you, grow old with you.执子之手,与子偕老zhí zǐ zhī shǒu,yǔ zǐ xié lǎoUsed to express the desire of wanting to grow old with someone
Long for a heart, never be apart.愿得一人心,白首不相离yuàn dé yī rén xīn,bái shǒu bù xiāng líWhen you love someone, you never want to be apart.
People in love become spouses in the end.有情人终成眷属yǒu qíng rén zhōng chéng juàn shǔUsed to describe lovers who ended up getting married.
To be beautiful enough to make fish sink and geese settle, the moon hides and flowers feel shy沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花chén yú luò yàn bì yuè xiū huāThis saying refers to China’s four historical great beauties, each of whom can make something supernatural happen with their beauty.
In a lover’s eye is the foremost beauty.情人眼里出西施qíng rén yǎn lǐ chū xī shīBeauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Table: Chinese love quotes
love in chinese
Image: Chinese love quote

Chinese songs about love

月亮代表我的心Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīnThe moon represents my heart.
甜蜜蜜Tiánmì mìSweet honey.
情非得已Qíng fēiděi yǐLove has no choice
今天你要嫁给我Jīntiān nǐ yào jià gěi wǒYou will marry me today
遇见YùjiànMeeting you.
Beautiful Love
告白气球Gàobái qìqiúconfession balloon
慢慢喜欢你Màn man xǐhuān nǐSlowly falling in love with you
光年之外Guāng nián zhī wàilight years away
Table: Chinese songs
Chinese song about love
Image: Chinese song 情非得已

Love-related special occasion in Chinese

Here are some love-related special occasions celebrated in Chinese culture:

  1. Qixi Festival (七夕节) – Often referred to as Chinese Valentine’s Day, it is celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. It is inspired by the romantic legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. Another name for the Qixi Festival is Double Seventh Festival (双七节)
  1. Lantern Festival (元宵节) – Though not exclusively about romantic love, this festival, which marks the end of Chinese New Year celebrations on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, is a time when young couples traditionally celebrate their love and common folk engage in matchmaking activities.
  1. White Day (白色情人节) – Adapted from Japanese culture, White Day is celebrated on March 14, exactly one month after Valentine’s Day. On this day, those who received gifts on Valentine’s Day return the favor, often with white-themed gifts.
  2. Valentine’s Day (情人节 / 西方情人节) – This refers specifically to the Western Valentine’s Day celebrated on February 14, Valentine’s Day has become widely celebrated in urban areas of China, with couples exchanging gifts, flowers, and going on dates.

These occasions provide various opportunities for expressing love and affection, blending traditional Chinese customs with modern influences.

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