Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh

Liên từ kết hợp Fanboys: Bài tập vận dùng kèm đáp án

Trong tiếng Anh, “FANBOYS” là một cách nhớ dễ dàng để ghi nhớ các liên từ kết hợp (coordinating conjunctions). “FANBOYS” là từ viết tắt của: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So. Trong bài viết này, MochiMochi sẽ giải thích cách dùng các liên từ và giới thiệu bạn những công cụ cần thiết để có thể sử dụng liên từ FANBOYS linh hoạt nhé!

Giới thiệu

Liên từ kết hợp trong tiếng Anh, được gọi là FANBOYS, bao gồm bảy từ: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So. Các liên từ này dùng để nối các từ, cụm từ hoặc mệnh đề độc lập trong câu.

Cách dùng

For: Dùng để giải thích lý do hoặc nguyên nhân.

Ví dụ:

She went to bed early, for she was very tired. (Cô ấy đi ngủ sớm vì cô ấy rất mệt)

And: Dùng để nối các ý tương đồng hoặc bổ sung.

Ví dụ:

 I bought apples and oranges. (Tôi đã mua táo và cam)

Nor: Dùng để nối các ý phủ định (thường được sử dụng sau một mệnh đề phủ định).

Ví dụ:

He doesn’t like to swim, nor does he enjoy running. (Anh ấy không thích bơi, cũng không thích chạy)

But: Dùng để nối các ý tương phản hoặc trái ngược

Ví dụ:

She is very rich, but she is not happy. (Cô ấy rất giàu, nhưng cô ấy không hạnh phúc)

Or: Dùng để đưa ra sự lựa chọn.

Ví dụ:

You can have tea or coffee. (Bạn có thể uống trà hoặc cà phê)

Yet: Dùng để nối các ý tương phản, tương tự như “but”, nhưng nhấn mạnh hơn một chút vào sự bất ngờ hoặc nghịch lý.

Ví dụ:

He is very old, yet he is very active. (Ông ấy rất già, nhưng ông ấy rất năng động)

So: Dùng để chỉ kết quả hoặc hệ quả.

Ví dụ:

It was raining, so we stayed indoors. (Trời mưa nên chúng tôi ở trong nhà)

Một số lưu ý khi sử dụng liên từ FANBOYS

1. Dấu phẩy: Khi liên từ FANBOYS nối hai mệnh đề độc lập, cần sử dụng dấu phẩy trước liên từ.

Ví dụ:

 She wanted to go for a walk, but it was raining. (Cô ấy muốn đi dạo, nhưng trời đang mưa)

2. Không dùng dấu phẩy: Khi liên từ FANBOYS nối các từ hoặc cụm từ đơn giản, không cần dấu phẩy.

Ví dụ:

 I need to buy milk and bread. (Tôi cần mua sữa và bánh mì.)

3. Tránh lặp từ: Khi sử dụng các liên từ này, cố gắng tránh lặp lại cùng một liên từ quá nhiều lần trong một đoạn văn để tránh sự đơn điệu.

4. Cấu trúc song song: Đảm bảo rằng các phần của câu được nối bởi liên từ FANBOYS có cấu trúc ngữ pháp tương đương để duy trì tính nhất quán và dễ hiểu.

5. Ngữ cảnh và ngữ nghĩa: Chọn liên từ phù hợp với ý nghĩa bạn muốn truyền đạt. Mỗi liên từ có sắc thái và cách sử dụng riêng, vì vậy hiểu rõ ngữ cảnh giúp sử dụng chúng chính xác hơn.

6. Không bắt đầu câu với liên từ FANBOYS trong văn viết trang trọng: Trong văn phong trang trọng, tránh bắt đầu câu với liên từ FANBOYS, mặc dù điều này có thể chấp nhận được trong văn phong thân mật hoặc sáng tạo.

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Bài tập

Điền liên từ phù hợp vào chỗ trống:

Câu 1: I wanted to go for a walk, ___ it was raining.

Câu 2: She can’t sing, ___ can she dance.

Câu 3: He is very talented, ___ he works very hard.

Câu 4: Do you want to watch a movie, ___ do you want to play a game?

Câu 5: She studied hard, ___ she passed the exam.

Câu 6: We wanted to go to the beach, ___ we had too much work to do.

Câu 7: He didn’t have enough money, ___ he decided not to buy the new phone.

Câu 8: You can have tea, ___ you can have coffee.

Câu 9: He was tired, ___ he went to bed early.

Câu 10: She didn’t see the sign, ___ did she hear the warning.

Câu 11: She is very intelligent, ___ she lacks practical skills.

Câu 12: He wanted to go to the concert, ___ he didn’t have a ticket.

Câu 13: They wanted to buy a new house, ___ they didn’t have enough savings.

Câu 14: He was feeling hungry, ___ he made a sandwich.

Câu 15: Would you like to go to the park, ___ would you prefer to stay home?

Câu 16: The weather was cold, ___ we went skiing.

Câu 17: She didn’t like the movie, ___ did she enjoy the popcorn.

Câu 18: He is not only talented, ___ also very hardworking.

Câu 19: She was exhausted, ___ she continued working on her project.

Câu 20: The project was challenging, ___ it was also very rewarding.

Câu 21: I love reading books, ___ I often visit the library.

Câu 22: He wanted to join the team, ___ he was not selected.

Câu 23: She is very busy, ___ she always finds time for her family.

Câu 24: They wanted to travel to Europe, ___ they didn’t have enough money.

Câu 25: The sun was shining, ___ the wind was cold.

Câu 26: Do you prefer coffee, ___ do you prefer tea?

Câu 27: She didn’t answer the phone, ___ did she respond to the email.

Câu 28: He is not only a good student, ___ also a great athlete.

Câu 29: I studied hard, ___ I didn’t pass the exam.

Câu 30: The movie was long, ___ it was very interesting.

Câu 31: She was feeling tired, ___ she decided to take a nap.

Câu 32: They didn’t go to the party, ___ did they call their friends.

Câu 33: He enjoys playing football, ___ he likes basketball too.

Câu 34: We could go hiking, ___ we could stay home and relax.

Câu 35: She missed the bus, ___ she walked to work.

Câu 36: The book is long, ___ it’s very engaging.

Câu 37: He tried to fix the car, ___ he couldn’t do it.

Câu 38: She likes to cook, ___ she doesn’t like to clean up.

Câu 39: They studied all night, ___ they were still nervous about the exam.

Câu 40: He didn’t like the new policy, ___ did his colleagues.

Câu 41: You can choose to work on the project, ___ you can take a break.

Câu 42: She was determined to win, ___ she trained very hard.

Câu 43: The music was loud, ___ it was very enjoyable.

Câu 44: He couldn’t swim, ___ he joined the swimming class.

Câu 45: She finished her homework, ___ she went out to play.

Câu 46: They wanted to adopt a puppy, ___ they were allergic to dogs.

Câu 47: The sky was clear, ___ it started raining suddenly.

Câu 48: He loves to travel, ___ he hates packing.

Câu 49: She wanted to buy the dress, ___ it was too expensive.

Câu 50: The food was delicious, ___ the service was terrible.

Đáp án:

  1. I wanted to go for a walk, but it was raining.
  2. She can’t sing, nor can she dance.
  3. He is very talented, and he works very hard.
  4. Do you want to watch a movie, or do you want to play a game?
  5. She studied hard, so she passed the exam.
  6. We wanted to go to the beach, but we had too much work to do.
  7. He didn’t have enough money, so he decided not to buy the new phone.
  8. You can have tea, or you can have coffee.
  9. He was tired, so he went to bed early.
  10. She didn’t see the sign, nor did she hear the warning.
  11. She is very intelligent, but she lacks practical skills.
  12. He wanted to go to the concert, but he didn’t have a ticket.
  13. They wanted to buy a new house, but they didn’t have enough savings.
  14. He was feeling hungry, so he made a sandwich.
  15. Would you like to go to the park, or would you prefer to stay home?
  16. The weather was cold, yet we went skiing.
  17. She didn’t like the movie, nor did she enjoy the popcorn.
  18. He is not only talented, but also very hardworking.
  19. She was exhausted, yet she continued working on her project.
  20. The project was challenging, but it was also very rewarding.
  21. I love reading books, so I often visit the library.
  22. He wanted to join the team, but he was not selected.
  23. She is very busy, yet she always finds time for her family.
  24. They wanted to travel to Europe, but they didn’t have enough money.
  25. The sun was shining, but the wind was cold.
  26. Do you prefer coffee, or do you prefer tea?
  27. She didn’t answer the phone, nor did she respond to the email.
  28. He is not only a good student, but also a great athlete.
  29. I studied hard, but I didn’t pass the exam.
  30. The movie was long, but it was very interesting.
  31. She was feeling tired, so she decided to take a nap.
  32. They didn’t go to the party, nor did they call their friends.
  33. He enjoys playing football, and he likes basketball too.
  34. We could go hiking, or we could stay home and relax.
  35. She missed the bus, so she walked to work.
  36. She missed the bus, so she walked to work.
  37. He tried to fix the car, but he couldn’t do it.
  38. She likes to cook, but she doesn’t like to clean up.
  39. They studied all night, yet they were still nervous about the exam.
  40. He didn’t like the new policy, nor did his colleagues.
  41. You can choose to work on the project, or you can take a break
  42. She was determined to win, so she trained very hard.
  43. The music was loud, but it was very enjoyable.
  44. He couldn’t swim, so he joined the swimming class.
  45. She finished her homework, and she went out to play.
  46. They wanted to adopt a puppy, but they were allergic to dogs.
  47. The sky was clear, yet it started raining suddenly.
  48. He loves to travel, but he hates packing.
  49. She wanted to buy the dress, but it was too expensive.
  50. The food was delicious, but the service was terrible.

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